引用本文:陈晓刚,杨卫亚,沈智奇,徐志扬,凌凤香. IM-5分子筛空心球的合成与表征[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(5): 484-487.
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陈晓刚, 杨卫亚, 沈智奇, 徐志扬, 凌凤香
通过向水热体系中引入表面活性剂制备了IM-5分子筛空心球。该空心球的直径约6 μm,孔壁由30 nm~150 nm的小晶粒IM-5构成,小晶粒之间堆积形成介孔/大孔孔隙。所得产物的BET比表面积为366 m2/g,在微孔区间具有三个集中的孔分布。空心球的形成与分子筛前驱凝胶粒子与表面活性剂电荷的相互作用及其胶束机制有关
关键词:  IM-5 分子筛 空心球 合成 表征
Chen Xiaogang,, Yang Weiya, Shen Zhiqi, Xue Zhihong, Ling Fengxiang
Fushun Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals, SINOPEC, Fushun 113001, Liaoning, China
IM-5 molecular sieve hollow sphere has been prepared by adding the surfactant into hydrothermal system. The molecular sieve hollow sphere is about 6 μm in diameter, the hole wall is composed of nano IM-5 particles with sizes of 30 nm~150 nm, that resulting in many meso-and macro-textures. A BET specific surface area of 366 m2/g was calculated by nitrogen adsorption measurement. At the same time, there are 3 narrow pore sizes distribution in micropore region. The formation of hollow spheres is related to the interaction and micelles mechanism of charges in the surfactant and precursor particles of IM-5
Key words:  IM-5, molecular sieve, hollow spheres, synthesis, characterization