引用本文:郭洁琼,仇 晶,杜学平. 华北华东地区天然气季节调峰对比分析探讨[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(5): 488-490.
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郭洁琼1, 仇 晶2, 杜学平2
选取天然气用户结构差距较大的华北、华东地区(华北地区选取典型城市北京、天津;华东地区选取典型城市及省份上海、南京及浙江),对比分析不同地域的负荷持续特性、天然气季节调峰理论储气量和调峰成本等问题。计算表明,华北、华东地区理论季节调峰储气量占年用气量分别为31%和4%,华北地区天然气季节调峰成本约为华东地区的7.8倍。建议在华北地区发展以非采暖季用气为主的燃气调峰电厂、季节性调峰LNG 液化工厂,提高天然气综合利用水平,改变负荷持续特性,降低调峰成本
关键词:  城市用气 储气调峰 季节调峰 用气规律 负荷持续曲线 调峰成本
Comparative analysis of natural gas season peaking in North and East China
Guo Jieqiong1, Qiu Jing2, Du Xueping2
1..PetroChina West East Gas Pipeline Company, Shanghai 200122, China;2.Beijing Gas Group Co., Ltd, Beijing 100035, China
North and East of China have a large structural gap among natural gas customers (in this paper, the selected typical cities are Beijing, Tianjin in North China,and Shanghai, Nanjing, Zhejiang in East China). The comparative analysis of different regions were carried out, including the load duration characteristics, theoretical natural gas storage capacity of seasonal peak shaving, peak shaving costs and other issues. The calculation shows that the north and east regions account for 31% and 4% of annual gas consumption of the theoretical seasonal peak shaving gas storage capacity respectively, seasonal peak shaving cost of natural gas in North China was approximately 7.8 times that of East China. Therefore, it is proposed that developing gas-fired peak shaving power plant and seasonal peak shaving LNG liquefaction plant in North China during the non-heating season, which will improve the level of comprehensive utilization of natural gas and change the load duration characteristics to reduce peaking costs
Key words:  urban gas, gas peak shaving, seasonal peak shaving, gas law, load duration curve, peak shaving costs