引用本文:柳 华,陈 凯,钱 璟,王文武,夏祖西. 航空喷气燃料对油箱密封胶体积膨胀性能的影响[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(5): 491-494.
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柳 华, 陈 凯, 钱 璟, 王文武, 夏祖西
系统考查了航空喷气燃料中芳烃体积分数对飞机油箱聚硫及聚硫醚密封胶体积膨胀性能的影响。实验结果表明,随油料中芳烃体积分数的增加,密封胶的体积膨胀率显著增大。聚硫密封胶PR 1440在93 ℃条件下,在芳烃体积分数小于8%的喷气燃料中浸泡28天后会出现体积缩小,而其他被测试的聚硫及聚硫醚密封胶均未发生体积缩小。 特种密封胶材料在高温低芳烃油样中浸泡时出现的体积减少可能是造成飞机油箱漏油的原因之一。实验结果还表明,在不同芳烃体积分数的油样中添加各种添加剂能有效阻止密封胶的过度膨胀,降低油样在高温环境中的降解速率
关键词:  聚硫密封胶 聚硫醚密封胶 芳烃体积分数 体积膨胀性
The impacts of aviation jet fuel on the volume swell of the fuel tank sealants
Liu Hua, Chen Kai, Qian Jing, Wang Wenwu, Xia Zhuxi
The Second Research Institute of Civil Aviation Administration of China,Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China
The impacts of aromatic contents in the aviation jet fuel on the volume swell of fuel tank polythioether and polysulfide sealants were studied systematically in this research. The experimental results revealed the volume expansion rate of sealant was dramatically increased with the increasing of the aromatic content in the fuel. The volume of the PR1440 polysulfide manganese cured sealant was shrunk when the sealant was soaked in the aviation fuel with aromatic volume content less than 8% for 28 days at 93 ℃. The volume of other tested polysulfide and polythioether sealants was never shrunk at the same operating conditions. The shrinkage of the specific sealant material soaked in the low aromatic content fuel at high temperature may be one of reasons causing the leakage of the aircraft fuel tank. The experimental results also demonstrated the addition of various additives in the aviation fuel could prevent the over swell of the sealant effectively, and decrease the fuel degradation rate at high temperature environment
Key words:  polysulfide sealant, polythioether sealant, aromatic content, volume swell