引用本文:刘志德,路民旭,肖学兰,谷 坛,张 雷,顾锡奎,等. 高含硫气田元素硫腐蚀机理及其评价方法[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(5): 495-498.
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刘志德1,2, 路民旭1, 肖学兰3, 谷 坛2, 张 雷1, 顾锡奎2, 闫 静2
关键词:  元素硫 腐蚀机理 腐蚀评价方法
Elemental sulfur corrosion mechanism and evaluation methods for high sour gas fields
Liu Zhide1,2, Lu Minxu1, Xiao Xuelan3, Gu Tan, Zhang Lei, Gu Xikui, Yan Jing
1.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Science and Technology, Beijing 100083, China;2.Corrosion and Protection Laboratory of High Sulfur Gas Exploitation Pilot Test Center, CNPC, Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China;3.Science and Technology Information Department, Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610051, Sichuan, China
The elemental sulfur deposition often occurs in the exploitation of high sour gas field. The presence of elemental sulfur has been long known to corrode carbon steel extremely and may block the gathering lines. It will influence the normal production of gas fields. This paper introduces the source and damage of elemental sulfur (S) in sour gas field. Based on this information the corrosion evaluation method is stated in detail, while the application range of each corrosion evaluation method and their characteristics are analyzed, as well as the mechanism of elemental sulfur corrosion. In the end, the detailed understandings and suggestions according to the current situation in China are proposed.
Key words:  elemental sulfur, corrosion mechanism, corrosion evaluation method