引用本文:张艳辉,戴彩丽,纪文娟,王思宇,杨 帅,赵 光. 聚合物微球调驱机理及应用方法探究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(5): 508-511.
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张艳辉, 戴彩丽, 纪文娟, 王思宇, 杨 帅, 赵 光
通过室内实验,利用激光粒度分析仪和光学显微镜,测定了聚合物微球的水化膨胀规律;利用物理模拟实验,评价了聚合物微球的封堵能力,研究了聚合物微球在多孔介质中的运移规律;测定了聚合物微球体系降低油水界面张力的能力,并探究了冻胶 微球两种调驱体系的协同效应,证实了其具有更好的调驱效果。结果 表明:纳米级别的聚合物微球经水化膨胀后可以达到微米级别,对于渗透率小于4000×10-3μm2以下的地层具有较好的封堵能力;水化膨胀后的微球在多孔介质中能够实现有效封堵,压力上升后能够突破运移,实现深部调驱;聚合物微球体系具有一定的降低油水界面张力的能力;先冻胶后聚合物微球的注入方式,能够充分发挥两种调驱剂各自的优势,更好地调整吸水剖面,实现深部调驱,提高采收率
关键词:  聚合物微球 运移规律 界面张力 协同效应 深部调驱
Profile control and flooding mechanism and application methods of polymer microsphere
Zhang Yanhui, Dai Caili, Ji Wenjuan, Wang Shiyu, Yang Shuai, Zhao Guang
State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266555, Shandong, China
The hydration expansion law of the polymer microsphere is observed by the high power optical microscope and laser particle size analyzer in the laboratory. The plugging capacity of polymer microsphere is evaluated and the migration rule in the porous media is studied by the physical simulation experiment, and the ability of decreasing the oil water interface tension of the microsphere system is measured. At the same time, the synergistic effect of the gel microsphere profile control and flooding system is explored to be proved the better effect. The results indicated that the nanometer polymer microsphere can expand to micrometer grade to block the formation whose permeability is lower than 4000×10-3 μm2. The microsphere after hydration expansion could effectively block the porous media, break through when the pressure is high and finally make the deep profile control and flooding come true. The system of the polymer microsphere can also decrease the oil-water interfacial tension. If the gel is injected firstly and following the microsphere, the advantages of the two kinds of agents could be both taken and the water absorbing profile could also be adjusted better to get high recovery ratio.
Key words:  polymer microsphere, migration rule, interfacial tension, synergistic effect, deep profile control