引用本文:涂伟霞,夏海虹. 磁性聚合物复合微球调剖堵水剂研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(5): 504-507.
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涂伟霞, 夏海虹
介绍了结构稳定、纳/微米级的磁性聚合物复合微球,可用作深度调剖驱油剂和堵水剂。表征分析了微球内磁性二氧化硅无机内核和聚丙烯酰胺 丙烯酸聚合物外壳的复合结构。室内评价试验表明,该聚合物复合微球具有很好的水溶胀性、耐温耐盐性,并具有一定的封堵能力,适于注水井深部调剖;同时,该聚合物复合微球具有超顺磁性,作为选择性调剖堵水剂,不仅在其突破油层随采出液携出时可实现磁性分离,而且适于在生产油井内进行磁性堵水,是一种具有潜质的新型调剖堵水剂
关键词:  调剖 聚合物微球 磁性分离 磁性堵水 溶胀性 封堵性
Studies on magnetic polymer microspheres as flooding profile control and water shutoff agent
Tu Weixia, Xia Haihong
State Key Laboratory of Organic Inorganic Composites, College of Chemical Engineering,Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100028, China
A magnetic polymer microsphere with stable structure and nano/micro sizes is introduced in this paper as deep profile control agent and water shutoff agent. Characterization analysis by scanning electron microscope, fourier transform infrared spectrometer and vibrating sample magnetometer prove the composite structure of inorganic magnetic silica oxide core and PAMAA organic shell in microsphere. Experimental results show that the magnetic composite polymer microsphere has good swelling capacity, plugging property, high temperature and salt resistant. The polymer microspheres are super paramagnetic, which not only benefits to magnetic separation from produced fluid but also can be used as magnetic water shutoff in oil wells. The composited polymer microsphere has a potential application as flooding profile control and water shutoff material for enhancing oil recovery
Key words:  profile control, polymer microspheres, magnetic separation, magnetic water shutoff, swelling capacity, plugging property