引用本文:张新庄,张娟利,黄 勇. 车用低比例甲醇汽油的胶质实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(6): 543-546.
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张新庄,张娟利,黄 勇
研究了车用低比例甲醇汽油的胶质含量随时间的变化规律,以及改性添加剂对其生成胶质倾向的影响。以90#汽油和93#汽油为基础油样,采用喷射蒸发法,分别测定未改性M5、M15和M25甲醇汽油在不同储存时间的胶质含量,以及加入优选添加剂改性的M15甲醇汽油配方的胶质含量。结果 表明,低比例甲醇汽油的胶质含量随甲醇掺入量的增加而增大;随着储存时间的延长,低比例甲醇汽油的胶质含量出现明显的变化;优选改性添加剂组分B和D会导致低比例甲醇汽油配方的胶质含量增大。研究结论为低比例甲醇汽油的调配、储存和使用提供了一定的实验研究基础
关键词:  甲醇汽油 胶质 储存 添加剂 实验研究
Experimental study on the gum in low proportion methanol gasoline for vehicle
Zhang Xinzhuang1, Zhang Juanli2, Huang Yong3
1.Research Institute of Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co., Ltd., Xi’an 710075, Shaanxi, China;2.Research Institute of Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co., Ltd., Xi’an 710076, Shaanxi, China;3.Research Institute of Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co., Ltd., Xi’an 710077, Shaanxi, China
The gum content variation with time of the low percentage methanol gasoline used by cars and the influence of modified additives to generate gum tendency were studied. Based on 90# and 93# gasoline, the gum content in the different storage time of unmodified M5, M15, M25 methanol gasoline and the gum content of modified M15 methanol gasoline formulations mixed the preferred additives were measured by using jet evaporation method. The results showed that the gum content of the low percentage methanol gasoline increases with the increasing of methanol incorporation; the gum content of the low percentage appears visible changes with the extension of storage time; the preferred modified additives component B and D will lead to increased gum content of the low percentage methanol gasoline formulations. The research result provides a certain experimental basis for preparation, storage and use of the low percentage methanol gasoline
Key words:  methanol gasoline, gum, storage, additive, experimental study