引用本文:林名桢,贾建昌,王 翀,闫广宏,高文凤,魏林伟. CO2低温分馏提纯工艺优化与研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(6): 547-550.
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林名桢1, 贾建昌1, 王 翀1, 闫广宏1, 高文凤1, 魏林伟2
对传统的低温分馏工艺进行了优化,以实际项目数据为基础,利用HYSYS模拟软件模拟研究了优化前后的工艺流程,同时从参数指标和设备数量方面对这两种工艺进行了对比。结果 表明,优化后的工艺具有流程简单、设备数量少、能耗降低、成本减少等特点。通过对HYSYS模拟结果的分析得出,在本文所述的研究条件下,低温分馏提纯塔的工作压力宜为2.3 MPa,塔板数宜选12块
关键词:  低温分馏 优化 CO2产品 冷负荷 HYSYS模拟
Optimization and study of CO2 low temperature fractionation purification process
Lin Mingzhen,Jia Jianchang,Wang Chong,Yan Guanghong,Gao Wenfeng,Wei Linwei
Shengli Engineering & Consulting Co., Ltd., Process and Pipe Design Station, Dongying 257026, Shandong, China
The traditional low temperature fractional distillation process was optimized, and based on the actual project data, the process flow before and after optimization were simulated by HYSYS software. Meanwhile, the two technologies were compared from parameters index and equipments numbers. The results show that the technology after optimization has the advantage of simpler flow, less equipment quantity, lower energy consumption and less cost. The results of HYSYS simulation show that the suitable work pressure of low temperature fractional distillation tower is 2.3 MPa, and the suitable plate number is 12
Key words:  low temperature fraction, optimization, CO2 product, cooling load, HYSYS simulation