引用本文:刘 洋,李法璋. 20×104 t/a硫磺回收装置运行总结[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(6): 563-566.
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20×104 t/a硫磺回收装置运行总结
刘 洋1, 李法璋2
介绍了天津石化20×104 t/a硫磺回收装置自开工以来的运行情况及出现的问题。结果 表明,大型硫磺回收装置在运行过程中,尤其在开工初期,均存在低负荷开工、酸性气量波动等情况。为确保装置的平稳运行,通过对气风比进行精确控制、对溶剂再生单元进行优化等措施,可大幅度减少波动对装置的影响。此外,从装置的运行参数和产品质量可看出,在装置处理量波动频繁时,加氢反应器出口COS 和SO2含量均很低(未检出),急冷水pH值在8以上,排放尾气中SO2质量浓度可控制在100 mg/m3~300 mg/m3 之间,表明CT6-5B加氢催化剂具有较高的抗干扰性和活性
关键词:  硫磺回收 酸性气 催化剂 加氢
Operation summary of 200×103 t/a sulfur recovery unit
Liu Yang1, Li Fazhang2
1..Refining Department of Tianjin Petrochemical Co. Ltd., SINOPEC, Tianjin 300271,China;2.Chengdu RINGT Technology Development Co.,Ltd
This paper summaried the occurred problems of Tianjin petrochemical 200×103 t/a sulfur recovery unit since its star-up. The result shows that the lower load start-up and the fluctuation of sour gas, etc. appeared in the operating process of large-scale sulfur recovery unit, especially at the initial stage of the unit operation. To ensure the unit smooth running, the precise regulation of the ratio of sour gas and air, and the optimizing operation of the amine regeneration unit etc. can obviously reduce the interference of the operation fluctuation. Otherwise, by the research on the various processing parameters and the qualities of products, it can be seen that the contents of COS and SO2 in the outlet of the reactor were quite low (almost unmeasured) during the operation fluctuation, the pH value of cold water was above 8, and the waste gas emission ρ (SO2) was between 100 mg/m3 and 300 mg/m3, which indicate that the catalyst CT6-5B has high anti-interference performance and activity
Key words:  sulfur recovery, sour gas, catalyst, hydrogenation