引用本文:马增华,孙永涛,刘海涛,王少华,付朝阳. 多元热流体中P110钢的腐蚀与防护[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(6): 583-585.
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马增华1, 孙永涛1, 刘海涛1, 王少华1, 付朝阳2
采用高温高压釜失重法,研究了油田常用的管材P110钢在40 ℃~280 ℃的多元热流体中的动态腐蚀情况,并评价了不同温度下4种高温缓蚀剂的缓蚀性能。实验结果表明:在40 ℃~280 ℃,P110钢的腐蚀速率存在两个极大值,分别出现在60 ℃和180 ℃;HGY-710和HGY-710A型缓蚀剂适应多元热流体工况,当其质量浓度为200 mg/L时,缓蚀率≥85%;现场试验表明,当HGY-710质量浓度为750 mg/L时,防腐效果明显
关键词:  多元热流体 腐蚀 高温 缓蚀剂 油管钢
Corrosion and protection of oil pipe steel P110 in multicomponent thermal fluid
Ma Zenghua,Sun Yongtao,Liu Haitao,Wang Shaohua,Fu Zhaoyang
China Oilfield Services Limited, Tianjin 300450, China
Corrosion behaviors of oil pipe steel P110 were investigated in multicomponent thermal fluid at 40 ℃~280 ℃ by weight-loss method with autoclave, and corrosion inhibition of four high temperature inhibitors were evaluated under different temperature. The results show that there are two maximum for the corrosion rates of steel P110 at the testing temperature, 60 ℃ and 180 ℃ respectively. Corrosion inhibitors HGY 710 and HGY 701A are suitable for the corrosion protection demand of multicomponent thermal fluid; the protection efficiency is higher than 85% with 200 mg/L dosage. The protection effect for oil pipe is very well with 750 mg/L inhibitor HGY-710 in thermal exploitation production
Key words:  multicomponent thermal fluid, corrosion, high temperature