引用本文:周 明,赵焰峰,罗浩渝,莫衍志,吴让灯,钟 祥. 四聚磺酸盐表面活性剂的合成及其表面化学性能[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(6): 586-589.
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周 明1, 赵焰峰1, 罗浩渝2, 莫衍志1, 吴让灯1, 钟 祥1
以季戊四醇、环氧氯丙烷、十二醇、1,3丙烷磺内酯等为原料,经过醚化、开环、磺化反应,合成了四聚磺酸盐表面活性剂四[2-氧丙撑磺酸钠-3(十二烷氧基)丙烷氧基]新戊烷TTS(Ⅲ)。采用元素分析和红外光谱对产物结构进行了表征。通过表面张力的测定研究了其在不同温度下的表面化学性能。结果 表明,产品具有较低的临界胶束浓度(ccmc)和优良的表面活性。在40 ℃时,ccmc和临界表面张力(γcmc)分别为6.85×10-5 mol / L和25.59 mN/m。随着温度的升高,Γmax值下降,Amin升高,ccmc/c20也随之升高
关键词:  磺酸盐 低聚表面活性剂 合成 表面化学性能
Synthesis and the surface chemical properties of tetramer sulfonate surfactants
Zhou Ming1, Zhao Yanfeng1, Luo Haoyu2, Mo Yanzhi1, Wu Rangdeng1, Zhong Xiang1
1.School of Materials Science and Engneering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China;2.Research Institute of Exploration and Development, Tarim Oilfield Company, PetroChina, Korla 841000, Xinjiang, China
A tetramer sulfonate surfactant TSS (Ⅲ) was prepared by etherification, ring-opening reaction and sulfonation reaction, using pentaerythritol, epichlorohydrin, dodecanol, 1,3 propane sultone as main raw materials. Elemental analysis and IR characterized the structures of tetramer sulfonate surfactants. The surface chemical properties under different temperature were studied by surface tension measurement. The results show that the surfactant TTS (Ⅲ) has a lower cmc (critical micelle concentration) and more excellent surface activity. The cmc and surface tension (γcmc) is 6.85×10-5 mol/L and 25.59 mN/m respectively at 40 ℃. With temperature increasing, Amin and ccmc/c20 increases, but Γmax decreases
Key words:  sulfonate, oligomeric surfactant, synthesis, surface chemical properties