引用本文:王 霞,张仁勇,申少飞. X80钢在土壤模拟液中的腐蚀行为研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(6): 594-596.
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王 霞1, 张仁勇2, 申少飞1
关键词:  X80钢 腐蚀 土壤模拟溶液 组织 极化曲线
Research on the corrosion behaviour of X80 steel in simulative soil solution
Wang Xia1, Zhang Renyong2, Shen Shaofei1
1.Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China;2.China Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd. Southwest Company, Chengdu 610017, Sichuan, China
The corrosion behaviours of original X80 steel, normalized, quenched and tempered X80 steel in Yingtan and Korla simulative soil solution were studied by weight loss. The polarization curve of original X80 steel in two simulative soil solution was measured. The result of weight loss shows that the corrosion rates of X80 steel samples with different metallographic structure decreases firstly and then tend to steady with time passed by. The peak corrosion rate of these samples takes place in early corrosion stage. The corrosion rate of X80 steel in Yingtan simulative soil solution is lower than that in Korla’s. The original X80 steel occurs active dissolve in both of Yingtan and Korla simulative soil solution via the polarization curves. The corrosion rate of X80 steel in Korla simulative soil solution is high due to the more negative corrosion potential and larger corrosion current
Key words:  X80 steel, corrosion, simulative soil solution, microstructure