引用本文:陈赓良. 刍议GB 18047的修订(二)——兼论对新版ISO 15403的认识[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(6): 600-604.
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刍议GB 18047的修订(二)——兼论对新版ISO 15403的认识
根据2006年发布的新版ISO 15403及其技术报告ISO/TR 15403有关内容,对强制性国家标准GB 18047-2000《车用压缩天然气》的修订提出如下建议:① 在第1章(范围)中增加阐明制定此标准的目标与目的的内容;② 将水露点指标修订为水含量指标;③ 取消高位发热量指泊指数的表述,重新编制附录B,并更名为“沃泊指数范围”;⑤ 重新编制附录A,增加抗爆性能、AVL法计算甲烷值和EN 589法计算LPG辛烷值等内容标;④ 修订5.6节对沃
关键词:  压缩天然气 燃烧性质 沃泊指数 燃烧势 甲烷值
Suggestions on revising national standard GB 18047 (2)——Concurrently discuss new edition of ISO 15403
Chen Gengliang
Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China
According to new edition of ISO 15403 and ISO/TR 15403 published in 2006, a series of suggestions for revising enforced national standard Compressed natural gas as vehicle fuel(GB 18047) are put forward in this article: (1) the content about purpose and target of GB 18047 should simply be clarified in chapter 1 (scope); (2) the index of water dew point should be revised to that of water content; (3) the index of gross caloric value should be cancelled; (4) the expression of Wobbe index in paragraph 5.6 should be revised and renamed to Wobbe index limits,the content of Appendix B should be re writed; (5) Appendix A should be re writed, the antiknock properties, AVL method for calculating methane number (MN), EN 589 method for calculating octane number and so on should be added
Key words:  compressed natural gas, combustion properties, Wobbe index, combustion potential, methane number (MN), MON