引用本文:王丹丹,郝 萍,宋赛楠,王 海. 聚丙烯釜内合金催化剂中内给电子体的测定[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(6): 605-607.
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王丹丹, 郝 萍, 宋赛楠, 王 海
采用气相色谱法,分析聚丙烯釜内合金催化剂中内给电子体的含量。以邻苯二甲酸二丁酯为内标物,正庚烷作溶剂,OV-1毛细管柱为色谱柱;氮气为载气,柱温200 ℃,进样口和检测器温度均为250 ℃;氢火焰离子化检测器(FID),进样量0.2 μL。结果 表明,测定各组分达到良好分离,待测物可在10 min中内出峰,方法灵敏、快速、简便,可用于聚丙烯釜内合金催化剂中内给电子体的测定
关键词:  内给电子体 聚丙烯合金 催化剂
Detection of electron donor in polypropylene alloy catalyst within reactor
Wang Dandan, Hao Ping, Song Sainan, Wang Hai
Petrochemical Research Institute of Lanzhou Petrochemical Research Center, PetroChina, Lanzhou 730060, Gansu, China
Gas chromatography was used to analyze the electron donor content in the polypropylene alloy catalyst within reactor. Dibutyl phthalate was chosen as the internal standard, and n-heptane as the solvent. OV-1 capillary column was used as the column and nitrogen as the carrier gas. The temperature of column was 200 ℃, and the temperature of injection port and FID detector was both 250 ℃. The injection amount was 0.2 μL. The results show that the measured components are separated well, the analysis can be determined within 10 mins.The method is sensitive, fast and convenient, and can be used for the detection of electron donor in polypropylene alloy catalyst within reactor
Key words:  electron donor, polypropylene alloy, catalyst