引用本文:郭 俊. UASB/水解酸化/SBBR工艺处理天然气净化厂污水[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(6): 608-611.
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郭 俊
在常规天然气净化厂污水处理基础上,通过总结以往经验和优化工艺,提出采用UASB/水解酸化/SBBR处理工艺,并在重庆某天然气净化厂中实际应用。根据全厂的污水量和水质情况,确定了具体的工艺方法,论述了主要构筑物设计情况、装置建成后的运行结果以及经济性分析。结果 显示,该工艺出水中各项水质指标符合GB 8978-1996《污水综合排放标准》中的一级标准,工艺是可行和成功的。该方法对类似的小流量、高负荷工业污水处理具有一定的启发和参考意义
关键词:  天然气净化厂 UASB 水解酸化 SBBR工艺 污水处理
UASB/hydrolytic acidification/SBBR process for wastewater treatment of natural gas purification plant
Guo Jun
China Petroleum Engineering Design Co.Ltd. Southwest Company,Chengdu 610017,Sichuan, China
Based on the conventional natural gas purification plant sewage treatment, through the summary of experience and process optimization, this paper proposes the UASB/hydrolytic acidification/SBBR processing technology, and takes a practical application in a natural gas purification plant in Chongqing. According to the water quantity and water quality situation, the specific process method is determined. The main structure design, operation results of the process and economic analysis are discussed in this paper. The results show that all the water quality indexes by the process accord with the primary standard of GB 8978—1996 integrated wastewater discharge standard, the process is feasible and successful,and has a certain inspiration and reference significance for industrial wastewater treatment with similar small flow rate and high load.
Key words:  natural gas purification plant, UASB process, hydrolytic acidification