引用本文:张杨竣,秦朝葵,肖利涛. AGA和Weaver指数法的适用性研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(1): 30-36.
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随着世界各地液化天然气(LNG)市场的快速发展,美国、欧洲等国家纷纷针对各自情况对天然气互换性做了进一步研究,并给出了各自的研究结果。我国LNG需求量逐年增加,对其进网质量也在逐渐严格,但到目前为止,仍未形成一套系统完整的互换预测体系用于对进网天然气质量的控制。本文通过对17台具有代表性的燃气灶在11种气源情况下共187个工况点的响应测试,并结合AGA和Weaver指数法的预测结果,对其互换性的预测适用性进行研究。最终提出对Weaver指数法的CO生成指数JI和离焰指数JL以及AGA离焰指数IL进行适当修正,建议将其可互换范围分别调整为JI≤0.04,JL≥0.95 和IL≤1.05。
关键词:  天然气  LNG  互换性  Weaver指数  AGA指数
Applicability of AGA and Weaver indices for natural gas interchangeability in China
Zhang Yangjun, Qin Chaokui, Xiao Litao
(College of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804,China)
LNG has been steadily increasing its share of the global gas trade. The United States and European countries have studied the interchangeability of natural gas according to specific situations and provided results of the relevant studies. In China, the import of LNG is steadily increasing, but the problems regarding quality and interchangeability were not fully understood and resolved. In this paper, a study on applicability of Weaver indices has been completed. The experiments were conducted for 17 typical gas appliances and 11 natural gas sources with 187 test conditions. Comparing the experimental results with the results predicted by Weaver indices, it suggested that the limits of Lifting JL need to change to ≥0.95, Incomplete Combustion JI need to change to ≤0.04 and the limit of AGA index Lifting IL change to ≤1.05.
Key words:  natural gas  LNG  interchangeability  Weaver index  AGA index