引用本文:卢占国,李强,李建兵,宋菲,刘恒. 页岩钻井储层伤害研究进展[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(1): 49-52.
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关键词:  页岩气  储层伤害  钻井液  井壁稳定性  矿物组成  渗透率  孔隙度 
Research development on formation damage induced by shale drilling
Lu Zhanguo, Li Qiang, Li Jianbing, Song Fei, Liu Heng
(SINOPEC Shengli Oil Production Research Institute, Dongying 257000, Shandong, China)
Along with the world energy demand rising, unconventional energy such as shale gas, tight gas, and CBM, etc. have emerged as the supplement of conventional energy. However, due to specialties of unconventional reservoir, i.e., low porosity, low permeability, easy expansion and fragility, this kind of reservoir can be readily damaged irreversibly during the reservoir development. In order to understand the mechanism of formation damage induced by drilling in unconventional reservoirs, research on the formation damage by shale drilling domestically and internationally was systematically reviewed. In addition, existing problems in the study of formation damage were analyzed and suggestions for next formation protection were given. Based on the analysis, it was found that the study of formation damage by shale drilling is mainly reflected in two aspects, i.e. formation damage induced by drilling technology and drilling fluid. However, there are fewer studies of borehole stability in unconventional reservoirs and lack of deep understanding of the formation damage mechanism induced by drilling fluids. Based on the development of formation damage by shale drilling, the studies of borehole stability in unconventional reservoirs, mechanism of formation damage induced by drilling fluids and the optimization of drilling fluids will be conducted systematically.
Key words:  shale gas  formation damage  drilling fluid  borehole stability  mineral composition  permeability  porosity