引用本文:沈丽,王宝田,宫新军,陈二丁,张海青,王海锋. 气制油合成基钻井液流变性能影响评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(1): 53-57.
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关键词:  气制油合成基钻井液  流变性  塑性粘度  动切力 
Evaluation on rheological properties of GTL based drilling fluids
Shen Li, Wang Baotian, Gong Xinjun, Chen Erding, Zhang Haiqing, Wang Haifeng
(Drilling Engineering Technology Company, Shengli Petroleum Administration, Dongying 257064, Shandong, China)
In view of rheology control problem for gas-to-liquid (GTL) based drilling fluid system, the influence of various factors on the rheological properties was studied. The results showed that the amount of emulsifier employed should be moderate, i.e., insufficient or excessive quantity will have a certain impact on the rheological properties. Further, organic clay, viscosifier, oil/water ratio and temperature are the main factors affecting the synthetic drilling fluid rheology. The organic clay content of 3%~4% is appropriate to a non-weighting drilling fluid, while 1.5%~3% content is desirable to a weighting drilling fluid. Usually the greater the density is, the smaller the amount of the organic clay is. The plastic viscosity and yield stress of a drilling fluid can be significantly increased with an increase of water content. Viscosifier and temperature have great influences on the viscosity and gels. Viscosifier dosage should be less than 1%, and a proper temperature resistant agent should be added at high temperatures.
Key words:  GTL based drilling fluid  rheological property  plastic viscosity  yield stress