引用本文:张仁勇,漆亚全,施岱艳,陈勇彬,张金钟,鞠岚. 3Cr钢在CO2环境中的腐蚀研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(1): 61-63.
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利用高温高压反应釜研究了3 Cr钢在模拟中海油CO2环境中的腐蚀行为。在温度60℃、p(CO2)1.5 MPa及介质流速为1 m/s时,两组3 Cr钢均呈现较严重的均匀腐蚀,平均腐蚀速率分别达到3.85 mm/a和3.24 mm/a。结合SEM和EDS分析手段研究了3 Cr钢的CO2腐蚀产物。结果 表明,其外层结构主要是堆垛疏松、附着力弱的FeCO3晶粒,内层为富Cr产物膜。
关键词:  3Cr钢  CO2腐蚀  腐蚀产物  微观形貌 
基金项目:国家科技重大专项资助项目(2011ZX-05059-004); CPE西南分公司科研项目“综合防腐技术研究子平台”(KY2011-18 )。
Corrosion research of 3Cr steel in CO2 environment
Zhang Renyong1,2, Qi Yaquan3, Shi Daiyan1,2, Chen Yongbin1,2, Zhang Jinzhong1,2, Ju Lan1,2
(1.China Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd. Southwest Company, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China;2.Department for Tubular Goods Corrosion and Protection in Sour Oil and Gas Fields of KeyLaboratory of Petroleum Tubular Goods Engineeing, CNPC, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan,China;3.Tazhong Project Management Department of PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company,Korla 841000, Xinjiang, China)
The corrosion behaviors of 3Cr steel in simulative CNOOC CO2 environment have been studied with a high-temperature and high-pressure reactor. Under the conditions that temperature was 60℃, CO2 partial pressure was 1.5 MPa and the flow velocity of corrosive medium was 1 m/s, two kinds of 3Cr steel samples present severe uniform corrosion, the average corrosion rate of 3Cr steel are 3.85 mm/a and 3.24 mm/a respectively. The corrosion products of 3Cr steel in CO2 environment have been analyzed by SEM and EDS. The result indicates that the products of 3Cr steel have two layers, the outer main structure is FeCO3 with stacking loose and low adhesion, the inner layer is product film with enrichment Cr.
Key words:  3Cr steel  CO2 corrosion  corrosion product  micro morphology