引用本文:陈馥,肖承川,黄磊光,曾科,尧君. 一种碳酸盐岩抗高温交联酸体系[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(1): 64-67.
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(1.西南石油大学化学化工学院 ;2.中石油长城钻探工程有限公司压裂公司)
为了满足高温碳酸盐岩储层深度酸压的要求,优选了交联酸稠化剂和交联剂并与酸液添加剂形成了一种抗高温交联酸压裂液体系。稠化剂和交联剂的优劣直接决定了交联酸在高温下的综合性能,通过对稠化剂酸溶性、酸基液热稳定性及交联剂的交联时间、交联粘度、交联酸的抗温时间等指标的分析,确定了最佳稠化剂为DM3802,最佳交联剂为JL-10,并确定了用量。与酸液添加剂的配伍性实验也表明该体系配伍性良好。在120 ℃下对该交联酸压裂液的综合性能进行了评价,实验表明该体系具有良好的抗高温、抗剪切、携砂性能、低滤失、易破胶等特点。 
关键词:  碳酸盐岩  酸压  抗高温  交联酸
A high temperature resistant crosslinking acidsystem for carbonate reservoir
Chen Fu1, Xiao Chengchuan1, Huang Leiguang2, Zeng Ke2, Yao Jun2
(1. Chemistry and Chemical Engineering School of Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China;2.Fracturing Company of Greatwall Drilling Company, 124107)
In this paper, a high temperature resistant crosslinking acid for high temperature acid fracturing operation in the carbonate reservoir is developed through screening the crosslinking acid thickener and crosslinker and remixing with acid additives. Acid thickener and crosslinker are crucial to the comprehensive performances of the crosslinking acid under high temperature. DM3802 and JL-10 were screened as the best thickener and the best crosslinker respectively through analyzing of acid solubility, thermostability, crosslinking time, crosslinked viscosity and time of temperature resistance. The dosages were also determined. The compatibility experiment with acid additives also showed the excellent compatibility of this crosslinking acid system. It shows that the crosslinking acid system possesses the characteristics of good high temperature resistance, superb rheological profiles, good prop-carrying capacity, controlled leak-off and good gel breaking property under 120 ℃.
Key words:  carbonate reservoir  acid fracturing  high temperature resistance  crosslinking acid