引用本文:陈赓良,唐飞. 管输压力下实时记录式天然气发热量测定设备的开发[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(2): 181-187.
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(1.中国石油西南油气田公司天然气研究院 ;2.中国石油天然气集团公司天然气质量控制和能量计量重点实验室)
在管输压力下精确测定烃类组分发热量的一种方法及其样机已经开发成功,此设备的价格可允许目前采用间歇式取样的用户实现发热量的在线测定,在每分钟内多次测量、报告和记录体积基发热量。由于吸光池是在接近管道压力的条件下操作,因而管道中天然气的能量流量可以由单位体积基发热量与体积流率的乘积直接输出。 利用分光光度计和标准硅CCD检测器在波长约900 nm处进行测量,通过其吸收光谱测定天然气组成和发热量。与波长较长的红外吸收光谱相比,此区域内天然气各烃类组分的吸收光谱的线性关系更好。故对C1~C6组分和水分而言,谱图可以更精确地拟合为各组分(以单位体积中分子数量表示的)浓度。然后,将各组分的浓度加和即可得到天然气的体积基发热量。此外,诸如压缩因子、密度和相对密度等参数也可以由测定的体积组成求得。 
关键词:  天然气  能量计量  发热量  实时测量  发热量测定仪 
Development of real-time BTU measurement of natural gas at line pressure
Chen Gengliang1, Tang Fei1,2
(1.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oli & Gasfield Company,Chengdu 610213,Sichuan,China;2.Key Laboratory of Natural Gas quality and Energy Measurement,CNPC,Chengdu 610213,Sichuan,China)
A method and device have been developed which accurately measure the BTU content of hydrocarbons at pipeline conditions. The cost of this device allows some users who currently collect samples to have the advantages of on-line BTU measurement. The device measures, reports, and logs the BTU value per unit volume several times per minute. As the absorption cell is nearly isobaric with the pipeline, the energy flow through the pipeline can be computed directly as the product of the BTU value per unit volume times volumetric flow rate. BTU and composition are measured via optical absorption spectroscopy in the vicinity of 900 nm using a spectrograph and a silicon array detector. In contrast to longer infrared wavelengths, the natural gas absorption spectrum in this spectral region is a linear combination of the spectra of the component species. The observed spectrum can therefore be accurately fit to yield the concentration, in molecules per unit volume, of all C1 to C6 hydrocarbon components and water. The energy content of the components is then summed to yield the BTU per unit volume. Additional information such as the compressibility, density, and relative density can also be obtained from the measured gas compositions.
Key words:  natural gas  energy determination  BTU  real-time measurement  BTU measurement device