引用本文:刘晓莉,吴庆伦,陈中兵,况野. 高含硫气田废水回注黄龙3井数据传输方案[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(2): 196-200.
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(1. 中国石油西南油气田公司川东北高含硫开发建设项目部;2. 四川科宏石油天然气工程有限公司市场开发部)
根据环境影响报告书的要求, 罗家寨、滚子坪气田工业生产废水及检修废水经处置达标后需经回注井回注地层, 罗家寨、滚子坪气田项目废水起排点天然气处理厂距离废水回注井的地理位置较远,为了能够有效地对废水回注井及回注管线压力、流量和温度数据进行实时监测,并在废水回注过程中意外事故发生时能够得到及时的预警,废水回注井井口数据传输方案设计的可靠性及可行性变得非常重要。故从设计角度出发,阐述了罗家寨、滚子坪气田废水回注井多种数据传输可行性设计方案,经过对比分析及现场测试,推荐GPRS无线数据传输为本气田废水回注数据传输的最佳方案。
关键词:  废水  回注  GPRS  数据传输  方案  优化 
Data transmission plan optimization of Huanglong-3 waste water reinjection well in high sour gas field
Liu Xiaoli1, Wu Qinglun1, Chen Zhongbin1,Kuang Ye2
(1. CDB High Sour Development Project, PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610051,Sichuan,China;2. Market Development Department, Sichuan Kehong Petroleum & Gas Engineering Co.,Ltd,Chengdu 610213,Sichuan,China)
According to EIA report requirements, the industrial and overhaul waste water of Luojiazhai and Gunziping shall be reinjected into ground via reinjection well after treatment. The distance between natural gas treatment plant of Luojiazhai or Gunziping gas field to reinjection well is far away, so the reliability & feasibility of reinjection wellhead data transmission design is very critical for real-time monitoring of pressure, temperature and flow in reinjection well & pipeline as well as alarming on time when accident happens during reinjection. From the point of design, this paper specified the feasible scenarios of reinjection wellhead data transmission. GPRS wireless data transmission should be the best scenario for this project through comparisons, which might provide some reference for other similar data transmission projects.
Key words:  waste water  reinjection  GPRS  data transmission  plan  optimization