引用本文:张宝柱,侯文祥,宋永超. 含硫天然气管道泄漏事故数值模拟与分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(2): 201-204.
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高含硫天然气管道在运行过程中由于腐蚀等原因经常会发生孔口泄漏事故,对周围人身安全和环境造成危害。利用CFD软件Fluent对有风状态下高含硫天然气管道发生孔口泄漏后CH4和H2S的扩散情况进行了数值模拟。结果 表明,CH4受浮力影响向高空扩散趋势明显,其爆炸范围集中在泄漏口附近;H2S由于初始动量较大,在泄漏孔口附近会向高空扩散,但随着动量的减少和扩散距离的增加,在重力的作用下会逐渐降落到地面附近;对比3 m/s和1 m/s风速情况下CH4和H2S的扩散情况,在1 m/s风速下CH4的爆炸范围会略有增加,高浓度H2S会达到更高的范围,且靠近泄漏口附近的地面浓度会更低。 
关键词:  天然气管道  数值模拟  扩散浓度 
Numerical simulation and analysis of sulfurous natural gas pipeline leakage accident
Zhang Baozhu, Hou Wenxiang, Song Yongchao
(China Petroleum Pipeline Domestic Division, Langfang 065000, Hebei, China)
Orifice leaking of high-sulfur natural gas pipeline happened frequently due to corrosion and other reasons in operation process, which will cause harm to personal safety and environment. In this paper, the CFD software Fluent is used to simulate the diffusion of methane and hydrogen sulfide after orifice leaking of sour gas pipeline in windy conditions. The result shows that because of the buoyant effect, methane diffusion trends to high altitude and its explosive range is near the leaking hole. Hydrogen sulfide spreads to high altitude due to the large initial momentum near leaking hole, but with the decrease of momentum and the increase of diffusion distance, it gradually fall near to ground under the action of gravity. By comparision of methane and hydrogen sulfide diffusion under the condition of wind speed at 3 m/s and 1 m/s, the methane explosion range increase slightly at the wind speed of 1 m/s, high concentration hydrogen sulfide can achieve higher range, and the ground concentration close to leaking hole will be lower.
Key words:  natural gas pipeline  numerical simulation  diffusion concentration