引用本文:胡天友,何金龙,彭修军. 高效有机硫脱除溶剂CT8-24的研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(3): 205-210.
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关键词:  位阻胺  配方溶剂  高效有机硫脱除溶剂 
Study on high effective organic sulfur removal solvent CT8-24
Hu Tianyou, He Jinlong, Peng Xiujun
(Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213,Sichuan,China)
Performances of sterical hindered amine formula solvents for removing H2S and organic sulfur from natural gas have been studied in laboratory. A high effective organic sulfur removal solvent CT8-24 has been developed. The results show that CT8-24 has higher H2S and organic sulfur removal capacity than the traditional solvent sulfinol-M. Under the same conditions, the removal rate of COS and RSH could be increased by 39.3% and 17.4% respectively, and the content of H2S in sweeten gas could be reduced by 94.1% compared with sulfinol-M. Furthemore, when CT8-24 was used in higher sour gas purification, the acid gas loading of the solvent could be increased by 39%, and the solution circulation quantity could be reduced by 28.5%. All above show that the formula solvent has significant effects for saving energy and reducing consumption.
Key words:  sterical hindered amine  formula solvent  effective organic sulfur removal solvent