引用本文:李金金,黄黎明,何金龙,温崇荣. 亚露点硫磺回收催化剂孔结构分析研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(3): 211-215.
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用ASAP-2010型物理吸附仪、Autopore IV 9500型压汞仪研究了亚露点硫磺回收催化剂的比表面积、孔容积、孔径分布和孔喉比。结果 表明,3种催化剂的小孔分布曲线近似为正态分布且孔径分布相似,为3.6 nm左右;3种催化剂的孔型均为墨水瓶状;样品C的大孔平均孔径最大;3种催化剂的孔体积差异主要体现在大孔孔隙率上。
关键词:  天然气  亚露点  硫磺回收  氧化铝  孔结构 
Pore structure study of catalysts used in sub-dewpoint claus tail gas treating process
Li Jinjin1,2,3,Huang Liming1,2, He Jinlong1,2, Wen Chongrong1,2
(1.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China;2.High Sulfur Gas Exploitation Pilot Test Center, China National Petroleum Corporation, Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China;3. College of Chemical Engineering, Sichuan University,Chengdu 610065, Sichuan, China)
The pore structures of sub-dewpoint sulfur recovery catalysts were studied during the Claus tail gas treating process under sub-dewpoint conditions. The surface area, pore volume, distribution of pore size and pore throat ratio of the catalysts were determined using ASAP-2010 nitrogen adsorption and Autopore IV 9500 mercury porosimetry. The results show that three kinds of catalyst micropore distribution curve are approximate Gaussian distribution and pore size distribution is similar, which is about 3.6 nm. The hole shape of the three kinds of catalysts is ink-bottle, and the macroporous average pore size of sample C is maximum. The main pore volume difference of these three kinds of catalysts reflects on macroporosity.
Key words:  natural gas  sub-dewpoint  sulfur recovery  alumina  pore structure