引用本文:温永刚,陈运文,樊栓狮,安成名,徐文东. LNG汽车技术发展及其推广应用前景[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(3): 257-260.
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LNG汽车具有安全、经济、高效等优点,在替代燃油汽车方面大有可为,大力发展并推广LNG汽车在我国的应用,是改善能源结构、解决能源危机和降低汽车排放污染的最佳途径。综述了国内外LNG汽车产业的技术发展现状,对LNG汽车在我国的发展和推广应用前景进行了展望,在此基础上提出了我国推广和应用LNG汽车的发展建议。 
关键词:  LNG汽车  储能密度  存储压力  甲烷含量  冷能可循环  安全环保 
Development of LNG vehicles technology and its prospect of popularization and application
Wen Yonggang1,2, Chen Yunwen1, Fan Shuanshi2, An Chengming1, Xu Wendong2
(1. Shenzhen Gas Corporation Ltd., Shenzhen 518040,China ;2. The Key Lab of EnhancedHeat Transfer and Energy Conservation,Ministry of Education,South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640,Guangdong,China)
LNG vehicles have bright prospects in replacing fuel vehicles with many advantages such as safety, economy, and high-efficiency et al. Developing and popularizing application of LNG vehicles in China is an optimal path for improving energy structure, solving energy crisis, and reducing vehicle emissions pollution. This paper summarizes technology development status of LNG vehicle industry in domestic and overseas, prospects development, popularization and application of LNG vehicle in China. On the basis of the above review, some development proposals are put forward.
Key words:  LNG vehicle  energy density  storage pressure  methane content  cold energy cycle  safety and environmental protection