引用本文:左应祥,冉丰华,王明泉,朱焕德,常岭松. 萨曼杰佩气田集输系统安全控制与应急管理浅析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(3): 316-319.
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萨曼杰佩气田是中国石油最大海外天然气项目—土库曼斯坦阿姆河右岸天然气项目,其中A区块包括萨曼杰佩、麦捷让、亚希尔杰佩、根基别克4个气田。萨曼杰佩为一期工程投产的主力气田,天然气中H2S的体积分数为1.97%~4.40%,CO2的体积分数为3.69%~4.57%,并含凝析油。该气田建立了较完善的安全控制和应急管理体系;建立了含硫天然气泄漏监测体系;构建了SCADA自动控制和井口集输净化外输联锁关断系统;配置了应急救援装备,依托当地应急救援专业队伍,能满足和应对高含硫气田安全生产和应急救援的需要,但仍需完善与加强。 
关键词:  萨曼杰佩气田  安全控制  应急预案  应急管理  应急救援
Safety control and emergency management analysis of gathering and transportation system in Salman Jiepei gas field
Zuo Yingxiang1,Ran Fenghua1,Wang Mingquan1,Zhu Huande1,Chang Lingsong2
(1.PetroChina Southwest Oil &Gasfield Company Amu Darya River Project Department, Chengdu 610051,Sicuan,China;2.Sichuan Petroleum Construction Co.,Ltd, Chengdu 610051, Sichuan,China)
Samanjiepei gas field is the largest overseas gas project of Petro China - one of the gas projects on the right shore of Amu Darya River in Turkmenistan, A district of which includes four gas fields, including Samanjiepei, Maijierang, Yaxierjiepei and Genjibieke. Samanjiepei is the main gas field launched in the first phase, whose hydrogen sulfide content of natural gas is 1.97%~4.40% (volume percentage, the same below), carbon dioxide content is 3.69%~4.57%, and also contain condensate oil. The gas field has established comparatively perfect security control and emergency management system; gas containing sulfur leak monitoring system; SCADA automatic control as well as interlock shutting off system of hole entry-gathering and transferring-purification-outward transportation; and the gas field also has been equipped with emergency rescue facilities, relying on local emergency rescue professional team, which can deal with the needs of sulfur gas field safe production and emergency rescue, but still needs to be perfected and strengthened.
Key words:  Samanjiepei gas field  security control  emergency plan  emergency management  emergency rescue.