引用本文:温立宪,许勇,王霄,李柏鹏,韩娜,路晓芸. 靖边气田集气站放空系统运行分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(3): 320-324.
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针对靖边气田集气站放空作业过程中出现的气井采出水污染周边场地的问题,从放空分液和火炬燃烧两个环节进行分析,查找出存在的问题,通过对比选型,提出采用双筒式闪蒸分液罐和旋风式放空分液火炬的放空工艺模式。通过现场试验和运行数据的统计分析结果得知,双筒式闪蒸分液罐和旋风式放空分液火炬可以很好地满足产水气井的放空作业,该套放空系统具有良好的环境效益和社会效益,值得推广应用。 
关键词:  放空分液罐  双筒式闪蒸分液罐  旋风式放空分液火炬  旋风分离器 
Operation analysis of the venting system of gas gathering station in jingbian gas field
Wen Lixian,Xu Yong,Wang Xiao,Li Baipeng, Han Na, Lu Xiaoyun
(The First Natural Gas Plant of PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company, Jingbian 718500,Shaanxi,China)
This paper mainly analyzed the venting system of gas gathering station in Jingbian gas field from two aspects including the gas liquid separation and the combustion of torch. Because of the pollution of the environment surrounding the torch venting, we compared the structure of gas liquid separation tank and torch, then we proposed the venting mode of double drum flash tank and gas liquid separation cyclone torch. We also have done lots of field tests focusing on the new venting system, which showed that it had favorable effect on the evacuation of producing water gas well. Therefore, the new venting system has good environmental and social benefit, and is worthy of popularization and application.
Key words:  gas liquid separation venting tank  double drum flash tank  gas liquid separation cyclone torch  cyclone separator.