引用本文:盛伟,王燕妮,盛辰,陈俊霞,牛芳,朱华. 低负荷工况对天然气处理装置的影响及工艺操作的改进措施[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(4): 343-346.
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从两方面分析了低负荷工况对天然气处理装置的影响。首先,低负荷工况会导致机组运行时发生喘振,还会造成收率下降,直接影响装置的经济效益。其次,针对机组低负荷的危害,根据膨胀制冷的经验公式和节流膨胀公式,采取提高处理气量、提高膨胀机膨胀比、提高节流效应、加大辅助制冷量等方法,降低脱甲烷塔顶温度,达到了提高装置收率的目的。这些措施对同类天然气处理装置的操作有一定的参考意义。 
关键词:  低负荷  天然气处理  装置  工艺  措施 
Influences of low load condition on the natural gas processing unit and the process improvement measures
Sheng Wei,Wang Yanni, Sheng Chen, Chen Junxia, Niu Fang, Zhu Hua
(Natural Gas Processing Plant, Zhongyuan Oil Field, SINOPEC, Puyang 457162,Henan,China)
This paper firstly analyzes the influences of low load condition on natural gas treatment unit from two aspects:the low load condition can lead to surging , as well as yield decline, which directly affects the economic benefits. Secondly, aiming at the harm of units at low load condition, according to the experience formula of expansion refrigeration and throttling expansion, the methods, such as improving the processing capacity, the expansion ratio of expansion machine, and the throttle effect, and increasing the auxiliary refrigerating capacity, etc, are used to reduce top temperature of methane tower, so as to improve the unit yield. These measures have certain reference significance to the operation of similar natural gas treatment plant.
Key words:  low load  natural gas treatment  device  process  measures