引用本文:高晓根,李劲,计维安,赵健,刘蔷,宋彬. 天然气净化厂在役装置HAZOP分析工作实践[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(4): 347-352.
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介绍了HAZOP(Hazard and Operability Study:危害与可操作性分析)技术发展现状,结合天然气净化领域的生产工艺流程特点,尤其是在役生产装置的特点,以实例论述了HAZOP技术的工作过程和应用方法,总结了通过HAZOP分析工作发现的问题和提出的建议,并提出了开展天然气净化厂在役装置HAZOP分析需要注意的问题,为天然气净化厂提高装置运行的安全性和可操作性提供了改进方向,也为今后天然气净化厂乃至其他石油化工生产厂在役装置进行HAZOP分析提供了参考和借鉴。 
关键词:  天然气  安全  风险  HAZOP  SIL 
HAZOP practice of in-service units in natural gas purification plant
Gao Xiaogen1, Li Jin1, Ji Weian1, Zhao Jian2, Liu Qiang1, Song Bin1
(1.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China;2. Natural Gas Purification Plant of Central Sichuan Oil and Gas District, PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company, Suining 629000, Sichuan, China)
This paper introduces the development situation of Hazard and Operability Study(HAZOP). An example was given to discuss the working process and application method of HAZOP combining the characteristics of process flow in the natural gas purification areas, especially in-service units. And it summarizes the questions and gives suggestions on in-service units in the natural gas purification plant by HAZOP. It provides improvement direction to improve the safety and operability of the natural gas purification plant, as well as references to other natural gas purification plant, or even other in-service units in the petrochemical plant.
Key words:  natural gas  safety  risk  HAZOP  safety integrity level(SIL)