引用本文:张倩倩,李振林,罗勤,周理. 我国天然气互换性判别软件的研究及开发[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(4): 365-368.
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为了更好地判断两种不同组分和燃烧特性的燃气是否可以互换,分析了国外天然气互换性方法和国内燃气的特性,阐述了各国判别方法的理论研究,根据沃泊指数法、美国燃气协会(A.G.A)法、韦弗法、德尔布法、达顿法的理论原理编写了程序,介绍了天然气互换性判别软件的特点和功能,由此证明了开发相应判别软件的重要性。另外,运用图形法编写了逻辑图,聚集我国各种燃气源,通过该方法归纳总结出我国天然气的互换性判别方法,并展望了软件在实际应用中的前景。 
关键词:  天然气  互换性  判别软件  热值  模块  指数 
Research and development of China's natural gas interchangeability identification software
Zhang Qianqian1, Li Zhenlin1, Luo Qin2, Zhou Li2
(1.China University of Petroleum,Beijing 102249,China;2.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213,Sichuan,China)
In order to better judge the interchangeability of two different gases with different components and combustion characteristics, the paper analyses the method of foreign gas interchangeability and the characteristics of the domestic gas, and elaborates the identification method of theoretical research. According to the theory principle of these methods, such as Wobbe index, American gas association (A.G.A), Weaver, Delbaurg Law and Dutton, the program is complied. The features and functions of gas interchangeability identification software are introduced, which proves the importance of developing corresponding identification software. In addition, the graphical method is used to compile a logic diagram and gather all kinds of gas source, by which the identification method of natural gas interchangeability can be summarized. The practical application prospects of the software are also forecasted.
Key words:  natural gas  interchangeability  identification software  calorific value  module  index