引用本文:陈进富,侯侠,侯傲. 甲烷在高表面炭质吸附剂上的低温吸附性能研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(4): 369-372.
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液化天然气汽车(LNGV)用于城市小轿车时,因夜间停驶或较长时间停运时,储罐内LNG的蒸发可能迫使燃料储存系统安全阀开启放气,增加小型LNGV的安全环境风险。结合LNGV燃料储存系统的主要特点,开展了低温低压下甲烷在高表面炭质吸附剂(SYJ-2)上的吸附性能研究。结果 表明,在温度238~161 K,压力1.5 MPa下,吸附剂对甲烷的吸附量为0.16~0.3 g/g,即82~153 mL/mL。吸附天然气(ANG)可望用于LNGV燃料储存系统,以增加LNGV燃料储存系统的安全性。 
关键词:  吸附天然气  高表面吸附剂  液化天然气汽车 
Low temperature adsorption performance of methane on the high-surface carbon adsorbent
Chen Jinfu1, Hou Xia2, Hou Ao1
(1.Department of Environmental Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249,China;2.Lanzhou Petrochemical College of Vocational Technology, Lanzhou 730060,Gansu,China)
When liquefied natural gas vehicles (LNGV) is used for city cars, due to the lay-off at night or a long time outage, evaporation of LNG in the tank could force the safety valve of the fuel storage system opening so as to release natural gas, which increases security environment risk of LNGV. Combined with the main characteristic of LNGV fuel storage system, methane adsorption performance on high surface area carbon adsorbent (SYJ-2) was researched under the low temperature and low pressure. The results showed that methane adsorption capacity by the adsorbent is 0.16~0.3 g/g, namely 82~153 ml/ml, on the condition of 238~161K and 1.5 MPa. Adsorbed natural gas (ANG) could be used for LNGV fuel storage system so as to improve its safety.
Key words:  adsorbed natural gas (ANG)  high surface adsorbent  liquefied natural gas vehicles(LNGV)