引用本文:赵军,郑继龙,陈平,张相春,胡雪,宋志学,等. 弱凝胶调驱技术在旅大5-2油田的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(4): 401-403.
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旅大5-2油田经过多年开发,东二上段部分井区储层非均质性强、油水流度比大,造成该区块层间动用不平衡。为改善注水井吸液剖面,抑制注入水突进,增加中低渗透层原油储量动用程度,减缓2号块东二上段含水上升速度,对旅大5-2油田2号块东二上段开展弱凝胶调驱技术室内研究及现场实施。结果 表明,弱凝胶调驱收到了较好的效果,为海上油田提高原油采收率提供了新的思路和方法。 
关键词:  旅大5-2油田  弱凝胶  剖面调整  提高采收率 
基金项目:国家科技重大专项子课题“海上大井距多层合采稠油油藏聚合物驱剩余油分布机理研究”(2011ZX05024-002-001) 。
Application of weak gel profile control technology in LD5-2 oilfield
Zhao Jun, Zheng Jilong, Chen Ping, Zhang Xiangchun, Hu Xue, Song Zhixue, Li Feng
(CNOOC Energy Technology & Service-Oilfield Engineering Research Institute, Tianjin 300452,China)
Strong reservoir heterogeneity and high water-oil mobility ratio of LD5-2 oilfield EdⅡu area for many years led to disequilibrium between layers. In order to improve profile of injection well, control break through of injected water, startup producing reserves of mid-low permeable interval, and decrease the water ratio, laboratory study and field application of weak gel profile control technology were conducted in LD5-2 oilfield EdⅡu area. The results showed that weak gel obtained good effect and provided new ideas and methods for enhancing oil recovery in offshore field.
Key words:  LD5-2 oilfield  weak gel  profile control  enhanced oil recovery