引用本文:唐浩,陈英,范育才. 川渝油气田压裂用生物酶破胶技术的研究与应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(4): 398-400.
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研制了一套适合川渝地区使用的酶破胶羟丙基胍胶压裂液体系,该酶破胶剂对压裂液稠化剂具有很好的专一破胶性能,与压裂液各种添加剂有良好的配伍性能。与常规破胶剂相比,酶破胶剂破胶更彻底,破胶液黏度小,残渣含量少,对支撑裂缝导流能力伤害小。在合川001-25井组3口井的现场应用表明,该酶破胶压裂液体系能够完全满足现场加砂压裂施工要求,返排液残渣含量明显低于常规破胶剂体系,且使用酶破胶剂的2口井压后增产效果较使用常规破胶剂的更好。 
关键词:  压裂液  生物酶  破胶剂  地层伤害 
Preparation and application of a bio-enzyme gel breaker in Sichuan and Chongqing oil and gas field
Tang Hao,Chen Ying,Fan Yucai
(Downhole Service Company, CNPC Chuanqing DrillingEngineering Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610051,Sichuan,China)
A new type of bio-enzyme breaking fracturing fluid was prepared, which is fit for Sichuan and Chongqing gas field, through a series of laboratory evaluation experiments. The bio-enzyme gel breaker is specific for the hydroxypropyl guanidine gum thickener, and it has good compatibility with other additives of fracturing fluid. Compared with conventional gel breaker, it has the features such as more thoroughly gel breaking, low viscosity of backflows, low residue content, low formation damage. By using it in three gas wells in Hechuan gas field, the application results showed that this new type of bio-enzyme breaking fracturing fluid system can meet the requirements of fracturing operation, in which the residues of backflows is lower than conventional breaker system, and the production of the two wells is better.
Key words:  fracturing fluid  bio-enzyme  gel breaker  formation damage