引用本文:刘坤,何娜,王尧,张毅,徐峰. 高含硫气田开发安全评价技术探讨[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(4): 416-420.
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(1. 中国石油西南油气田公司安全环保与技术监督研究院;2. 中国石油西南油气田公司天然气研究院)
关键词:  高含硫气田  安全评价  定量风险评价
Safety evaluation technology for high sulfur gas field development
Liu Kun1, He Na2, Wang Yao1, Zhang Yi1, Xu Feng1
(1. Research Institute of Security Environmental Protection and Technological Supervision of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China;2. Research Institute of Natural Gas technology of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,Chengdu 610213,Sichuan, China)
With continuous development of domestic high sulfur gas fields, the safety evaluation work of these gas fields has obtained more and more attention from national and industrial sectors. As for the safety distance problem concerned by government and the public, existing safety evaluation technology only can conduct evaluation according to the standard and specification requirements, but can not combine characteristics of projects and the actual situations to scientifically and reasonably put forward relevant measures. This paper proposed the safety evaluation procedures and methods based on quantitative risk evaluation technology aiming at characteristics of high sulfur gas field development, and discussed the application in relation to the methods.
Key words:  high sulfur gas field  safety evaluation  quantitative risk evaluation