引用本文:赵孟卿,黄坤,王劲松,于振,杨涵,巨龙,等. 基于MATLAB天然气流量计检定工艺计算[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(4): 412-415.
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随着我国中缅管道,西气东输二、三线和液化天然气上岸等新一轮输气管道工程的建设,用于计量天然气流量的流量计日益增多。只有对这些流量计实施准确检定才能确保流量计精确工作,从而使得我国天然气交接贸易更加公平。以天然气流量计检定站三级检定为基础,考虑输气管道沿线动能的增加对流量的影响,建立天然气在检定管路中的流动压损模型,利用MATLAB软件计算不同口径天然气流量计在检定中的参数变化,求解检定过程的压差,并对检定过程中的不确定度进行计算,符合我国天然气调度的要求。 
关键词:  MATLAB  流量计检定  不确定度 
Process calculation of natural gas flow meter verification based on MATLAB
Zhao Mengqing1, Huang Kun2, Wang Jinsong3, Yu Zhen1, Yang Han1, Ju Long4, Li Canrong1
(1.Southeast Asia Pipeline Company,Beijing 100028,China;2. Petroleum Engineering College, Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,Sichuan,China;3. West to East Gas Pipeline Company,Nanjing Measurement Test Center,Nanjing 210000,Jiangsu,China;4. PetroChina Zhejiang Oilfield Company,Hangzhou 310023,Zhejiang,China)
With a new round of gas pipeline project construction such as“Burma-China pipeline”, “the second and third line of West-East natural gas transmission project” and “liquefied natural gas ashore”, the flow meters for measuring gas flow are increasing. The only way to ensure these meters work accurately is to calibrate these meters precisely , which will make it more equitable for the transfer of natural gas trade. In this paper, basing on three levels of gas flow meter verification station, considering the influence of the increase of kinetic energy along the pipeline's on flow, the pressure loss model is established when natural gas flows in the verified pipe, and the parameters variation in different caliber meters calibration by MATLAB software are calculated, then the pressure difference is solved and the uncertainty in certification process is calculated, which conforms to the natural gas dispatching request.
Key words:  MATLAB  verification of flow meter  uncertainty