引用本文:校峰,石磊,王诚,荆晓生,罗晓梅. 液化天然气建设项目环境影响评价中工程分析的要点研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(4): 424-428.
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关键词:  液化天然气  LNG  环境影响评价  工程分析 
Main points and methods of engineering analysis in environmental impact assessment of LNG project
Xiao Feng1, Shi Lei2, Wang Cheng3, Jing Xiaosheng1, Luo Xiaomei1
(1. Shaanxi Zhongsheng Environmental Technology Development Co.,Ltd, Xi'an 710054, Shaanxi, China;2. Shaanxi Gas Group Co., Ltd, Xi'an 710016, Shaanxi, China;3. Environmental Monitoring Station of Xincheng Sub-Station State Environmental Protection Bureau, Xi'an 710061, Shaanxi, China)
Liquefied natural gas(LNG)project is a major industry of natural gas industry in China. It is also one of the important project types of environmental impact assessment (EIA). The major impacts of LNG project on environment are wastewater, waste gas and environmental risk from natural gas liquefaction. Based on the analysis of LNG production process, detailed engineering analysis was carried out and main pollution emission links were found out. The feasibility of environmental protection measures taken by the project as well as the achievement of the pollution control measures were discussed. The main ideas of the engineering analysis and environmental impact analysis in environmental assessment of LNG project were summarized, which has an important significance to the reserve increase of the mine.
Key words:  liquefied natural gas  environmental impact assessment  engineering analysis