引用本文:刘东明,郑周君,王瑞莲. 油气田硫酸盐还原菌控制技术应用探讨[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(4): 429-434.
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在油气田开采、集输和气田水回注系统中,存在着各种微生物群体,包括硫酸盐还原菌、铁细菌以及其他微生物。其中,危害性最大的微生物就是硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)。通过对重庆气矿目前站场SRB分布统计分析,结合站场气田水处理工艺及油套管腐蚀状况,经分析对比现有多种生物腐蚀控制技术,推荐LEMUPZ-H物理法杀菌技术。现场应用表明,该工艺能有效杀灭和抑制气田水中SRB,对站场排污、气田水转输及回注系统均能起到较好的保护作用,是一种经济有效的应对SRB腐蚀的控制保护措施。 
关键词:  硫酸盐还原菌  SRB  气田水处理  杀菌  腐蚀  防治方法 
分类号:TE 980.44
Application of sulfate-reducing bacteria control technology in oil and gas field
Liu Dongming, Zheng Zhoujun,Wang Ruilian
(Chongqing Gas District of PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company,Chongqing 400021,China)
All sorts of microorganisms exist in the exploitation,gathering and reinjection system of oil and gas field, including sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB), iron bacteria, and other microorganisms. SRB is the most harmful bacteria to water injection system. Through the statistical analysis of SRB distribution in the station of Chongqing Gas District, combined with gas field water treatment technology and tubing and casing corrosion status, based on the various biological corrosion control technologies, a kind of SRB corrosion control technology was recommended. Field application showed that LEMUPZ-H physical bactericidal technology can effectively kill and inhibit SRB in the gas field water, and all the equipments can be well protected. It is a kind of economic and effective measure to cope with sulfate reducing bacteria corrosion.
Key words:  sulfate reducing bacteria  gas field water treatment  sterilization  corrosion  antisepsis method