引用本文:毛雪,夏飞,岳海荣,梁斌. 生物柴油在稠油降黏技术中的应用研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(5): 443-446.
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关键词:  生物柴油  稠油  降黏  氢键 
Application of biodiesel in viscosity-reducing techniques for heavy oil
Mao Xue,Xia Fei,Yue Hairong,Liang Bin
(College of Chemical Engineering,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610065,Sichuan,China)
Application of biodiesel as an additive could depend less on the light oil in viscosity-reducing techniques for heavy oil. This paper describes the effects of addition of biodiesel on the heavy oil viscosity. The results indicate that moderate amount of biodiesel provides favorable effects on the viscosity reduction, which is superior to that of diesel. The origin of the viscosity reduction was confirmed by the FTIR spectra of the heavy oil mixed with biodiesel or diesel. The replacement of the hydrogen bonds in heavy crude oil could dissociate the aggregates of the asphalt and resin, which weakened the interaction between asphalt and resin and thus reduced the viscosity. With the increase of biodiesel added, the effect of polarity increased and the viscosity further reduced; while the added amount of biodiesel exceeded 15%, the role of polarity in the viscosity reduction was not obvious.
Key words:  biodiesel  heavy oil  viscosity-reducing  hydrogen bonds