引用本文:王世建,冉文付,陈奉华. 天然气净化装置低负荷运行节能措施探讨[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(5): 447-451, 456.
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通过对天然气净化装置低负荷运行状态下能耗构成以及电单耗和气单耗升高原因的分析。从实际操作调整和技术改造方面进行了节能措施探讨。实际操作调整方面包括调整脱硫单元溶液入塔层数和循环量,调整硫磺回收单元尾气灼烧炉燃料气,调整锅炉负荷和配风量,根据实际情况启停循环水单元动设备和调整污水单元运行时间等。技术改造方面,包括溶液循环泵叶轮级数改造、尾气灼烧炉风机多余风量利用、直流法硫磺回收装置增设分流旁路、硫冷器低低压蒸汽闭环改造等。通过操作调整和技术改造,有效地降低了装置低负荷运行状态下的能耗。 
关键词:  天然气净化  低负荷运行  节能措施 
Discuss on the energy-saving measures of low-load operation of natural gas purification device
Wang Shijian, Ran Wenfu, Chen Fenghua
(Changshou Branch of Chongqing Natural Gas Purification Plant General, Chongqing 410259, China)
Based on the analysis of the power consumption constitution of the natural gas purification devices in low-load operation,this paper analyzed the cause of the increasing in electricity consumption and gas consumption, then discussed the energy conservation measures through modification in operation and transformation in technology. Practical adjustments included adjusting the layers of the solution putting into tower and circulation amount in the desulfurization unit, the fuel gas of the sulfur recover unit, the load and volume of the wind of stove boiler; and the running time of sewage unit according to the actual situation, as well as starting or stopping mobile device of water circulation unit. Technological aspects include using the excess air volume of the burning furnace fan, adding the side road of the DC sulfur recovery device, and transforming the solution circulating pump stages and low pressure steam loop of the sulfur intercooler. Through modification in operation and transformation in technology, the power consumption of the device in low-load operation was effectively reduced.
Key words:  natural gas purification  low-load operation  energy-saving measures