引用本文:杨晓东,刘世民. LNG装置脱酸系统塔提前液泛的原因及改造[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(5): 457-462.
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通过对我国北方地区某LNG装置脱酸系统吸收塔、再生塔运行不稳定问题长达3年的现场跟踪探索,尝试了各种治理措施,最后通过排除法和对塔盘的水力计算分析,揭示出初始的发泡造成的降液管阻塞型液泛是造成高负荷下操作不稳定的根本原因。对两塔及塔内件进行了完全更换,两塔改造前后运行情况的对比证实了理论上的分析判断,并为LNG装置脱酸系统设计和运行时发泡问题的处理提供了有益经验。 
关键词:  液化天然气  脱酸系统  酸气吸收塔  发泡  降液管堵塞型液泛 
Reason and retransformation of columns premature flood in amine unit of LNG facilities
Yang Xiaodong, Liu Shimin
(Chemtex Shanghai Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd, Shang Hai 201210, China)
Through three years' spot tracing of unstable operation of absorber and regeneration absorber of desulfurization system in LNG facilities, several control measures have been attempted. Through exclusive method and hydraulic study, it is shown that the flood caused by downcomer blocking of the acid gas absorber is the root reason that resulted in unstable operation of LNG facility in the northern China under high load. A comparison study on operation has been done after a complete change of the column vessels and internals. And the results have proved the judgment was right. Suggestions on both design and operation of amine unit of LNG plants have been presented.
Key words:  LNG  amine unit  acid gas absorber  foaming  downcomer blocking flood