引用本文:郑云萍,夏丹,刘晓红,李剑峰. 基于HYSYS的C3/MRC天然气液化流程影响因素分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(5): 473-477.
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关键词:  天然气液化  丙烷预冷  混合剂制冷  HYSYS  模拟计算 
Influence factors analysis of propane-mixed refrigerant natural gas liquefaction process based on HYSYS software model
Zheng Yunping1, Xia Dan1, Liu Xiaohong2, Li Jianfeng1
(1.Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China;2. Investigation and Design Institute of Zhongyuan Petroleum Exploration Bureau, Puyang 457001, Henan, China)
Propane-mixed refrigerant cycle dominates the base-load liquefaction plant for its advantages of saving investment, simple process and fewer units. The HYSYS simulation is carried out and the effects of process parameters, such as gas pressure, mixed refrigerant pressures and mixed refrigerant composition on the refrigerating capacity and energy consumption of the compressors and water cooler are analyzed. The simulation results show that:increasing the gas pressure and reducing the methane content of the refrigerant can not only enhance its refrigerating capacity but also reduce the energy consumption; and increasing the pressure of the low pressure refrigerant and decreasing the pressure of the high pressure refrigerant can reduce the energy consumption but weaken the refrigerating capacity. A scheme of enhancing the refrigerant flow and reducing the methane content is proposed to make up for the reduction of the refrigerating capacity.
Key words:  natural gas liquefaction  propane pre-cooling  mixed refrigeration  HYSYS  simulation