引用本文:陈刚,高起龙,马丰云,周敏,张洁. 柿子皮提取物缓蚀及抑制油田微生物作用研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(5): 515-519.
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结合陕西省丰富的林果资源,开展柿子皮提取物在油田采出水处理中的应用研究。分别采用水和乙醇对柿子皮进行提取,分别考察了提取物作为缓蚀剂和杀菌剂的作用效能。结果 表明,柿子皮的水提物和醇提物有一定的缓蚀作用,水提物的作用效能略好于醇提物;另外,柿子皮水提物对硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)有较好的杀菌作用,而对于腐生菌(TGB)和铁细菌(FB)则仅有较弱的杀菌作用,醇提物杀菌作用弱。 
关键词:  柿子皮  油田水处理  缓蚀  杀菌 
Research of the corrosion inhibition and inhibition to oilfield bacteria by persimmon husk extraction
Chen Gang, Gao Qilong, Ma Fengyun, Zhou Min, Zhang Jie
(School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xi'an Shiyou University, Xi'an 710065, Shaanxi, China)
Application of persimmon husk extraction in the treatment of oilfield produced water was carried out based on the abundant fruits resources of Shannxi province. Persimmon husk was extracted with water and ethanol, and the extractions were screened as corrosion and bacteria inhibitors. The results showed that the both extractions are effective for corrosion inhibiting, and the extraction of water is more potent than that of ethanol. The extraction of water is active against sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB), but inefficient against iron bacteria (IB) and total general bacteria (TGB), while the extraction of ethanol is inefficient against the three oil field micro-organisms.
Key words:  persimmon husk  treatment of oilfield produced water  corrosion inhibiting  bacteria inhibiting