引用本文:廖铁,苏梦瑶,李法璋,范秦. 万州天然气净化厂硫磺回收单元蒸汽与凝结水节能优化措施[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(6): 582-587.
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对万州天然气净化厂硫磺回收单元的蒸汽与凝结水构成进行了分析,并对蒸汽引射器重新选型以实现蒸汽梯级利用,以及采用凝结水罐排空蒸汽回收、凝结水循环利用、凝结水分压回收、蒸汽疏水阀优化选型以实现凝结水密闭式回收等优化措施作了详细的分析探讨。实施各项优化措施后,每处理1×104 m3原料天然气(H2S质量分数为1%),综合能耗由1 303.38 MJ降为最低约1 188.23 MJ,与每处理1×104 m3原料天然气(H2S质量分数为1%)综合能耗为2 010 MJ的设计值相比,节能效果明显。 
关键词:  蒸汽  凝结水  优化  节能  硫磺回收 
Energy saving optimization measures of steam and condensation water of sulfur recovery unit in Wanzhou natural gas purification plant
Liao Tie1, Su Mengyao1, Li Fazhang2, Fan Qin1
(1.Wanzhou Branch of Chongqing Natural Gas Purification Plant General, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chongqing 404001,China; ;2.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China)
Based on the composition analysis of steam and condensation water of sulfur recovery unit in Wanzhou branch of Chongqing natural gas purification plant, this paper discussed these optimization measures. The steam ejector was redesigned to realize the application of stream cascading and the methods are used to realize the airtight recycling of condensation water such as recovering steam discharged from the condensation tank,recycling condensation water,recovering condensation water at partial pressure and optimizing the type of steam traps. The comprehensive energy consumption can be reduced from 1 303.38 MJ to 1 188.23 MJ per 1×104 m3 containing 1%(mol) of H2S after optimization. Compared with the design which consumes 2 010 MJ per 1×104 m3 containing 1%(mol) of H2S, the effect of energy saving is obvious.
Key words:  steam  condensation water  optimization  energy saving  sulfur recovery