引用本文:曹东青,康万利,孟祥灿,张凯波,刘述忍,杨润梅. 黏土颗粒对乳状液稳定性的影响[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(6): 629-632.
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利用动力学模型分析、Turbiscan Lab型分散稳定性分析仪、单滴法等研究了黏土颗粒对吉林原油乳状液及油水界面性质的影响。结果 表明,随黏土浓度增加,体系动力学反应速率常数先降低后增加,乳状液稳定性先增加后有所降低;黏土颗粒的加入降低了乳状液背散射光减小的幅度,增加体系聚结稳定性,但也可充当液滴间的连接媒介促进小液滴间的排液与聚并;黏土在油水界面的吸附使液滴排液时间、生存半衰期增长,破裂速度常数降低,界面膜强度增加。
关键词:  黏土颗粒  乳状液  稳定性  动力学特征  界面膜 
Influence of clay particle on stability of emulsion
Cao Dongqing, Kang Wanli, Meng Xiangcan, Zhang Kaibo, Liu Shuren, Yang Runmei
(Department of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China) )
The influence of clay particle on Jilin oil emulsion and oil-water interfacial property has been studied through dynamic model analysis, Turbiscan stability analysis and single drop method. The results showed that the dynamic reaction rate constant of system first increased then decreased, and the stability of emulsion first increased then decreased as the concentration of clay particle improved. It also showed that back scattered light of emulsion decreased less, and coagulation stability of system increased with addition of clay particle, which promoted drain and coalescence of droplets as joint medium. At the same time, it showed that drain time of droplets and survival half life increased, fracture velocity constant decreased and strength interfacial film improved because of adsorption of clay particle.
Key words:  clay particle  emulsion  stability  dynamical features  interfacial film