引用本文:杨会丽,何治武,刘爱华,刘宝伟,刘新印. 白豹油田油井化学防蜡效果评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(6): 633-636.
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(1.中国石油长庆油田公司油气工艺研究院 ;2.低渗透油气田勘探开发国家工程实验室;3.中国石油长庆油田公司第七采油厂)
在结蜡油井中使用固体化学防蜡剂,可有效抑制油井管、杆、泵等处结蜡,延长有杆泵的检泵周期,降低抽油机能耗。用动态结蜡率测试仪及流变仪分别测试防蜡率及析蜡点的变化,评价防蜡剂在室内的应用效果。通过室内理论计算检泵周期、溶解速度、防蜡率之间的关系,预测了防蜡剂在井底的有效性。用抽油机系统效率测试仪,测试抽油机电机运行的电能参数及安装在抽油机悬绳器上的传感器的油井载荷,对比结蜡井措施前后的数据,评价防蜡效果。测试表明,结蜡井使用化学固体防蜡剂可使油井载负荷平均下降9.73 kN,系统效率提高6.92%,综合节电率22.23%。 
关键词:  结蜡  化学固体防蜡剂  防蜡率  析蜡点  白豹油田 
Effect evaluation of chemical paraffin control in Baibao oilfield
Yang Huili1,2, He Zhiwu1,2, Liu Aihua1,2, Liu Baowei3, Liu Xinyin3
(1. Oil & Gas Technology Research Institute of Changqing Oilfield Company, Xi,an 710021, Shaanxi,China;2. National Engineering Laboratory for Low Permeability Petroleum Exploration and Development, Xi,an 710021,Shaanxi,China;3.The Seventh Oil Production Plant of Changqing Oilfield, Wuqi 710021,Shaanxi,China)
Solid paraffin inhibitor can inhibit wax deposition on the tube, rode, pump in paraffin troubled well, prolong the pump inspection cycle and reduce energy consumption of pumping unit. The effect of wax prevention was evaluated by changing paraffin inhibiting ratio and wax precipitation point with oil wax deposition rate tester and dynamic rheometer. The relation of pump inspection period, dissolving rate and paraffin inhibiting ratio was calculated, which could predict effect of paraffin inhibitor in the bottom of oil well. System efficiency tester was used to test the electric parameter through the pumping unit motor operation and the load with the sensor installed on the beam hanger of pumping unit. Paraffin control effect was evaluated according to the diagrams tested in paraffin troubled well. The results of field tests showed that the loading of oil well could be lower 9.73 kN by solid paraffin inhibitor, the system efficiency raised 6.92% and integrated energy-saving rate was 22.23%.
Key words:  paraffin deposition  solid paraffin inhibitor  paraffin inhibiting ratio  wax precipitation point  Baibao oilfield