引用本文:周理,郭开华,皇甫立霞,高文学,许文晓. 天然气互换性判别方法研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(6): 642-646.
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综述了欧美等国家和地区在天然气互换性方面的研究进展,归纳、总结和评述了现在国际上应用较多的天然气互换性判别法,分别是美国的AGA 36号公告方法、韦弗指数法,法国德尔布互换法、英国的达顿互换性判别方法等,这些方法都是针对大气式燃烧方式提出的,具备各自的适用性和限制性。我国于1982年借鉴了法国德尔布互换性法,针对我国城镇燃气进行了分类和组分定义。对近年来我国在燃气互换性方面的研究和进展进行了总结,指出随着燃气利用终端设备的多样化,要根据具体燃气燃烧利用设备,基于设备燃烧时燃气和空气混合方式的不同,研究选取适应要求的、科学的燃气互换性指标和配气控制参数。 
关键词:  天然气  互换性  沃泊指数  燃烧势 
Study on natural gas interchangeability discriminant method
Zhou Li1,2, Guo Kaihua1,Huangfu Lixia1,Gao Wenxue3, Xu Wenxiao2
(1. School of Engineering of Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510006, Guangdong,China;2. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213,Sichuan,China;3. China Quality Supervising and Test Center for Gas Appliance (CGAC), Tianjin 300000,China)
This paper reviewed the research progress of natural gas interchangeability in European and American countries and regions, and summarized that the commonly used gas interchangeability methods in the world, which are AGA Bulletin 36 method, Weaver indices method in US, Delbourg method in France, Dutton Diagram method in UK, ect. These methods are all developed for atmospheric combustion, with respective applicability and limitation. In China, the town gas was categorized and defined by composition according to France Delbourg interchangeability method in 1982. The paper also summarized the research and progress on gas interchangeability in recent years in China, and indicated that with the diversification of the fuel gas terminal equipments, the desirable and scientific gas interchangeability indices and gas distribution control parameters could be studied and chosen according to the specific gas combustion equipment, and based on the difference of mixed modes of gas and air when burning.
Key words:  natural gas  interchangeability  Wobbe index  combustion potentia