引用本文:王锋,李美蓉,齐霖艳. 稠油极性四组分与其黏度及乳状液反相点的关联研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(6): 637-641.
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(1. 中国石油大学(北京)石油工程学院;2. 中国石化股份胜利油田分公司;3. 中国石油大学(华东)理学院化学系)
采用灰色关联熵分析法研究了胜利油田稠油黏度与其极性四组分含量和极性组分偶极矩的关联。同时通过改变实验油样乳状液的含水率及温度,探究了稠油组成性质与其乳状液反相点的关联。结果 表明:稠油极性四组分含量与其黏度关联度的顺序是:沥青质>胶质>芳香分>饱和分;稠油极性组分偶极矩与其黏度的关联度顺序是:沥青质>胶质>芳香分。随着稠油胶质、沥青质含量的增大,油水界面张力的降低、油滴Zeta电位绝对值的增大,乳状液含水率的反相点及温度的反相点逐渐升高。 
关键词:  极性四组分  偶极矩  稠油黏度  乳状液  反相点 
Correlation of polar fractions of heavy oil with its viscosity and reverse phase point of emulsion
Wang Feng1,2, Li Meirong3, Qi Linyan3
(1. School of Petroleum Engineering,China University of Petroleum(Beijing), Beijing 102249, China;2. SINOPEC Shengli Oilfield Branch Company,Dongying 257001, Shandong, China;3. College of Science,China University of Petroleum(East China), Qingdao 266580,Shandong, China)
The correlation between the contents and properties of polar fractions and the viscosity of heavy oil were studied by gray correlation entropy method.By changing volume fraction of water and temperature of the emulsions of heavy oil, the relation between the composition property of heavy oil and the reverse phase point were also researched. The result showed that the order of correlation degree between the polar fractions and the viscosity of heavy oil was:asphaltene>resin>aromatic>saturate; and the order of correlation degree between the mean dipolemoments of polar fractions and the viscosity of heavy oil was:asphaltene>resin>aromatic. In addition, as the increase of the contents of the resin and asphaltene, the decrease of the interfacial tension of oil-water, and the increase of Zeta absolute value of oil drops, the volume fraction of water and temperature at the reverse phase point of emulsion gradually raised.
Key words:  polar fractions  dipole moments  viscosity of heavy oil  emulsion  reverse phase point