引用本文:邢艳青,祁影霞,喻志广,王乐. 二氧化碳置换甲烷水合物的实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(1): 33-38.
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邢艳青, 祁影霞, 喻志广, 王乐
CO2置换CH4水合物是一种开发CH4的新方法,该方法既可以开发CH4,又可以永久储存CO2。通过自行优化设计的实验装置,研究了石英砂介质体系中温度和压力对置换效率的影响。实验结果表明,在置换压力为2.5 MPa,温度为273.15 K 、274.15 K 、275.15 K、276.15 K、277.15 K、278.15 K时,置换率分别为1.75%、6.99%、13.43%、5.53%、22.64%、44.90%;在温度为275.15 K,置换压力为2.0 MPa、2.5 MPa、3.0 MPa、3.5 MPa时,置换效率分别为37.11%、13.43%、3.44%、4.58%。可见,温度和压力都是推动CO2置换CH4水合物反应的影响因素。 
关键词:  CH4  水合物  置换率  CO2
Experimental study on replacement of methane hydrates by CO2
Xing Yanqing, Qi Yingxia, Yu Zhiguang, Wang Le
Faculty of Energy and Power Engineer, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China
Replacement of methane hydrate by CO2 is a new approach for the development of CH4, and the method can develop CH4 and store CO2 permanently. By optimizing design of experiment device, the influences on displacement efficiency of temperature and pressure in the system of quartz sand media are studied. The experiment results show that the replacement rates are 1.75%, 6.99%, 13.43%, 5.53%, 22.64%, 44.90% respectively, the corresponding replacement temperature are 273.15 K, 274.15 K, 275.15 K, 276.15 K, 277.15 K, 278.15 K, and the CO2 charge pressure is constant at 2.5 MPa. On the other hand, the replacement efficiency are 37.11%, 13.43%, 3.44%, 4.58% respectively, corresponding to the CO2 charge pressure at 2.0 MPa, 2.5 MPa, 3.0 MPa, 3.5 MPa and the replacement temperature being constant at 275.15 K. Therefore, temperature and pressure are driving force factors of CO2 replacement of CH4 hydrate reaction.
Key words:  methane  hydrate  replacement ratio  carbon dioxide