引用本文:计维安,温冬云. LNG液化工艺在边远分散井中的应用分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(1): 39-43.
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计维安, 温冬云
关键词:  LNG  液化  边远分散井  脱硫  脱水  脱碳  脱汞  凝液回收 
Application analysis of LNG liquefaction technology in outlying dispersed well
Ji Weian, Wen Dongyun
Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China
Adaptability of natural gas pretreatment process including desulfurization, dehydration, decarburization, demercuration and condensate recovery in outlying dispersed well are analyzed. In order to be used in outlying dispersed well, working characteristics of three natural gas liquefaction processes including cascade refrigeration cycle, mixed refrigerant refrigeration cycle and expander refrigeration cycle have also been compared. The process of cascade refrigeration cycle is too complex to be suitable for outlying dispersed well. MRC refrigeration has high flexibility, low energy consumption and strong adaptability, therefore it can be used to most of outlying dispersed wells. Expander refrigeration is characterized by simple operation, small occupied area and easy to be skid-mounted, so it is suitable for stable operation conditions and higher well head pressure. So far as current technology level, the single wells containing no sulfur, low carbon dioxide and low heavy hydrocarbon content are more suitable for outlying dispersed well.
Key words:  LNG  liquefaction  outlying dispersed well  desulfurization  dehydration  decarburization  demercuration  condensate recovery